Vertigo VR

Balloon Terror : Enjoying the wind on your face, you are in a colourful hot air balloon 5000 feet above the ground. BOOM! Something goes wrong and your hot air balloon is on fire! The only way you can escape is by crossing a wooden plank over to another balloon that is close by. Do not look down! Live to tell the tale!
Chopper Hopper: You are enjoying the breath-taking view of the sky-scrapers on a Chopper ride over a city. Fate strikes you in the form of a lightning bolt. Sparks and smoke clearly indicate that you are in danger. A Rescue Chopper rushes close to you and extends a plank to your chopper. Do you have the wits and guts to cross over safely to the other chopper?
Wing Walker: Your day starts like any other. You are a world renowned Wing Walker and this adventure sport has always been a piece of cake for you. Unfortunately, a mishap occurs and your plane is now on fire. In response to your distress call, the rescue team arrives on another plane with a life-saver – the plank! You have only a few minutes left and you have to carefully walk to safety while the planes sway wildly. Live to enjoy your fame as ‘The Ultimate Survivor’!